Monday, July 5, 2010

The Lipizzaner Stallions

The Lipizzan Stallions are amazing. They have four main moves: Capriole, Levade, Coubette, Mezair.

The Capriole is when the stallions leep high into the air with his feet by his chest and kicks out violently.

The Levade is when the stallion maintains a haunched position at 45-degree angle to the ground. This position requires muscle control and a perfection of balance that is quite difficult.

The Corbett is when the horse balances on the hind legs and then jumps, keeping his hind legs together and the forelegs off the ground.

The Mezair is a series of Levades in which the horse lowers its forefeet to the ground before rising again.

Riding Out On A Lipizzaner Stallion,

Friday, July 2, 2010

Horses Jumping

Skye sent me a video on youtube of these people riding and just horses jumping and it is so awesome. I showed my mom and she was amazed that horses could do that.

Did You watch it? Did you like it? Well I liked it.
